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Kylie Muller
Post-Production Intern
Kylie is in her senior year at UNL studying emerging media arts, and she loves everything about video production and creative technology. She’s the captain of the Cornhusker Marching Band Flagline, and when not at Pixel Bakery or in class, she’ll likely be found in Memorial Stadium. She is obsessed with pasta, flying her drone, Taylor Swift and old cameras. Her biggest passion is telling stories through video to create change in the world.
Alma Mater
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Favorite Thing
Least Favorite Thing
Phlegm (the word, how it’s spelled, how it’s pronounced, what it is, the noise)
Favorite Movie
The Sound of Music
Most Hated Bird
Canada Goose
Rock Climbing
Joined PB
August 2023
Personal Aesthetic
Garden Gnome
- ☉ virgo
- ↑ pisces
- ☽ leo
Kylie's Recent Posts
Kylie's Credited Projects
Check out some of the awesome projects Kylie has worked on.