Logo Animation

Bring your logo to life with an eye-catching and memorable animation

Logo Animation Packages

Introducing The PB Motion Mixer. An affordable way to get your brand moving. We'll take that beautifully vectorized logo you already have, and make it move in a way that shouts your brand's persona.



  • 1 concept
  • 1 round of revisions
  • ✅ Transition In
  • ✅ Transition Out
  • ✅ White (Reverse) Version
  • ❌ Passive Animation
  • ❌ Instagram Pack
  • ❌ Alternative Colors
  • ❌ .MOGRT Templates
  • ❌ Lower Thirds
  • ❌ Animated Transitions


  • 2 concepts
  • 2 rounds of revisions
  • ✅ Transition In
  • ✅ Transition Out
  • ✅ White (Reverse) Version
  • ✅ Passive Animation
  • ❌ Instagram Pack
  • ❌ Alternative Colors
  • ❌ .MOGRT Templates
  • ❌ Lower Thirds
  • ❌ Animated Transitions


  • 3 concepts
  • 2 rounds of revisions
  • ✅ Transition In
  • ✅ Transition Out
  • ✅ White (Reverse) Version
  • ✅ Passive Animation
  • ✅ Instagram Pack
  • ✅ Alternative Colors
  • ❌ .MOGRT Templates
  • ❌ Lower Thirds
  • ❌ Animated Transitions

Kitchen sink

  • 3 concepts
  • 2 rounds of revisions
  • ✅ Transition In
  • ✅ Transition Out
  • ✅ White (Reverse) Version
  • ✅ Passive Animation
  • ✅ Instagram Pack
  • ✅ Alternative Colors
  • ✅ .MOGRT Templates
  • ✅ Lower Thirds
  • ✅ Animated Transitions

Get Started

Package Details


The number of ideas we'll present to you to choose from


How many edits you get to make on the animation

Transition IN

How your logo enters. You can think of this as how your logo "pops" into view

Transition OUT

How your logo exits the screen. The opposite of Transition In

Passive Animation

A seamlessly looped version of your logo animation that will indefinitely chill wherever you put it. Great for slide decks, events, office kiosks, menu screens, watermarks, and long-form video content

Instagram Pack

We’ll include a 1:1 and 9:16 version of your logo for you to use on Instagram posts and stories. These are great for creating announcements or stories that are mostly text-based.

Alternative Colors

If you have alternative brand colors, we’ll incorporate them in your package

White (Reverse) Version

Sometimes you simply need a fully white version to drop onto darker backgrounds 🤷‍♀️


What all will be included in the package we pass off to you

Lower Thirds

Lower Thirds are banners that appear at the bottom of videos to introduce a person (name and title) or subject (subject name and description). We’ll provide a template that animates it in + out

Animated Section Markers

These are full-screen quick-cut transitions to be used between video scenes. They can be used introduce a new ‘chapter’, for callout cards, display information, or whatever your heart desires

MORGT Templates

.mogrt files are Adobe Premiere template files that you can load into your projects so you don’t have to hunt down and import your animation each time. They also include the ability to dynamically edit text, which is essential if you have lower thirds