Technologue Americana
Title Sequence

2D Animation
Creative Concepting
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An animated title sequence for the first TV series produced by Pixel Bakery

Technologue Americana is a documentary-style ‘edutainment’ series highlighting and investigating the role of technology in the heartland. Hosted by the Nebraska Governance and Technology Center, each episode focuses on a different aspect of tech and infrastructure in Nebraska + the Midwest and the affects they have on policy, culture, and law, from roads to grain silos. Our task was to channel the aesthetics and thematic messages behind the show into an iconic animated title sequence, with the primary goal of quickly establishing the overall tone of Technologue Americana for viewers.

Our thought process for this piece was centered around working American history, technology, and a sense of curiosity into a cohesive introductory animation. Blending classic ‘Americana’ imagery such as the American flag and photos of past presidents with infrastructure like electrical towers and highways was achieved through a collage style; this allowed us to not only seamlessly transition between credits, but emphasized the combination of the show’s two main elements.

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